to quakeの例文
1906 quake
The site was levelled in the 1906 quake but was rebuilt. Scientists still study the geological impact of the 1906 quake. The reported death toll in the 1906 quake was 674. It was rebuilt w......

1964 alaska quake
World Almanac 1999, meanwhile, lists a magnitude 9.2 for the 1964 Alaska quake, and 9.5 for a series of quakes in Chile in May 1960. "At first, everybody was looking around, " said Lori Wi......

1995 kobe quake
The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications Computer Centre came through the 1995 Kobe quake unscathed and remained fully operational.

2011 japan quake
During the 2011 Japan quake, the group was quick to respond with a project collaboration that distributed 160, 000 pairs of socks sent by members from all over the world, to the stricken c......

action quake
The first was " Action Quake 2 " and the third was " Action Unreal Tournament 2004 ". "Action Quake 2 " is essentially a version of deathmatch and team deathmatch in which most of the clas......

action quake 2
The first was " Action Quake 2 " and the third was " Action Unreal Tournament 2004 ". "Action Quake 2 " is essentially a version of deathmatch and team deathmatch in which most of the clas......

after the quake
The building continued to sway for several moments after the quake. Officials accepted a shipment of blankets two days after the quake. He first traveled to the scene two days after the qu......

alaska quake
You could use the Alaska quake as great example of why we do this, For example, the Alaska quake of March 27, 1964, was described variously as 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 by different stations. World......

beast quake
Although the game would be remembered for Marshawn Lynch's Beast Quake run, Hasselbeck was an integral part in the win with 272 yards and 4 touchdowns. The "'Beast Quake "'was an American ......

california quake
California quakes tend to occur closer to the surface, he said. It was not immediately clear whether the distant quake was connected to the Southern California quake. Atk Attack and a form......

chengdu quake
The large red square near the center of the map depicts the 7.9 magnitude Chengdu quake in the Sichuan province . ]]

devastating quake
In 1999, two devastating quakes killed some 18, 000 people . jh-lm The collapsed cupola has become a symbol of the devastated quake-hit nation. In 1999, two devastating quakes killed some ......

duck quake
Either both are Xebulon socks or are ducks quaking the same thing.

earth quake
The mountains tremble violently; the earth quakes; the people are sore afraid. She has primarily worked on earth quakes and their source mechanisms. The earth quaked with terrible intensit......

earth quake bomb
The aircraft was designed to fill Barnes Wallis'concept of the " Victory Bomber ", which would drop huge " earth quake bombs " that would destroy dams and other power plants even with a ne......

earth quake bombs
The aircraft was designed to fill Barnes Wallis'concept of the " Victory Bomber ", which would drop huge " earth quake bombs " that would destroy dams and other power plants even with a ne......

enemy territory quake wars
As of current, the vest works with : Call of Duty 2 : 3rd Space Edition, 3rd Space Incursion, Half-Life 2 : Episodes 1 & 2, Crysis, Enemy Territory Quake Wars, Clive Barker's Jericho, Unre......

frost quake
One of the events was registered seismologically and deemed to be a frost quake. Several Ontario locations along Lake Ontario and the St . Lawrence Valley experienced cryoseisms or frost q......

future quake
The area was chosen because of logistical reasons and the estimated probability of future quakes. Such models will be helpful in predicting the effects of possible future quakes, scientist......

haiti quake
Shaw Communications Inc . has announced a donation of $ 900, 000 for Haiti quake relief. Ground shaking in populated areas of Canterbury was also generally less strong than for the Haiti q......

ice quake
It was the first recorded ice quake in Kansas. The West Island of Montreal experienced an ice quake at approximately 2 : 30 AM EST on January 6, 2015. "The opening of " Ice Quake " is eith......

la quake
Employing the first person's review a la Quake, and being a space-based game. The experts should not have said that in Japan it would be OK, the way many did after the LA quake, Best comeb......

lake quake
The last significant quake on this segment of the Calaveras was a 4.6 temblor on Aug . 11, 1993, said Paul Reasenberg of the USGS in Menlo Park, Calif . But there have been far bigger shak......

loma prieta quake
It still stood after the Loma Prieta quake 83 years later. Research funding stepped up after the 1989 Loma Prieta Quake. In the Loma Prieta quake, people were scared for a while. -- Quayle......

make the earth quake
Poseidon is originally conceived as a chtonic god, lord and husband of the Earth ( for the etymolog gearoid ????????, he who possesses the Earth, ????????? he who makes the Earth quake ) w......